Angiogenesis Control Pack 1

The Angiogenesis Control Pack 1 consists of 3 levels of controls, each containing known concentrations of all human angiogenesis proteins that are detected by the V-PLEX and V-PLEX Plus Angiogenesis Panel 1 (human) Kits (catalog No. K15190D and K15190G). The controls span the linear ranges of the assays in the V-PLEX and V-PLEX Plus Angiogenesis Panel 1 (human) Kits and are designed to test the analytical range of the assays. Angiogenesis Controls 1, 2, and 3 are prepared by spiking recombinant calibrators into a nonmatrix-based diluent. The controls are supplied frozen. 

Note: The control pack (catalog No. C4190-1) was discontinued and replaced by a control pack containing new recombinant VEGFC protein (catalog No. C4666-1).

  • Specifications
  • Kit Contents
  • Documentation
  • References
Order Details
Catalog No
Price in USD
1 each
Meso Scale Japan 株式会社