Cytokine Panel 1 Mouse Control Pack

The Cytokine Panel 1 (mouse) Control Pack consists of three three levels of controls, each containing known concentrations of all mouse cytokines that are detected by the V-PLEX Plus and V-PLEX Cytokine Panel 1 (mouse) Kits (catalog # K15245G, K15245D). Cytokine Panel 1 (mouse) Controls 1, 2, and 3 are prepared by spiking recombinant calibrators for IL-9, MCP-1, IL-33, IL-27p28/IL-30, IL-15, IL-17A/F, MIP-1α, IP-10, and MIP-2 proteins into diluent. The controls are supplied as lyophilized powder. The utility of this product has not been evaluated in other applications.

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Price in USD
1 each
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