NEW U-PLEX Custom Biomarker Group 2 (mouse) Assays

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The U-PLEX platform makes it easy to create multiplex immunoassays. Using two simple tools - a 10-spot U-PLEX plate and unique Linkers - you can build multiplex assays for any combination of analytes. The analytes in the U-PLEX menu are organized into U-PLEX Groups. Analytes within the same U-PLEX Group have been tested for multiplex compatibility and can be combined in panels with confidence.

The U-PLEX Biomarker Group 2 (mouse) contains three TGF-β assays, which benefit from acid-dissociated samples. This U-PLEX Group can be ordered as a full panel or as one or more smaller panels that are subsets of the full panel. The full panel is available as a catalog product K15242K. Ordering any subset of assays from the U-PLEX Biomarker Group 2 (mouse) is simple and can be done online with MSD’s U-PLEX Assay Designer.

AnalyteLLOD - ULODunits
TGF-β137 - 38,900pg/mL
TGF-β22.5 - 39,300pg/mL
TGF-β32.5 - 40,000pg/mL

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S 600

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SQ 120

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Q 60

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Meso Scale Japan 株式会社