sAPPα/sAPPβ Kit

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sAPPα and sAPPβ are the extracellular proteins released from the transmembrane amyloid precursor protein (APP) upon cleavage with α-secretase or β-secretase respectively. Aβ peptides are also derived from the cleavage of APP by secretases. The sAPPα/sAPPβ Kit provides assay-specific components for the quantitative determination of both natural and recombinant soluble amyloid precursor protein alpha (sAPPα) and beta (sAPPβ) in human cerebrospinal fluid, brain homogenates, and tissue culture supernatants.

Please note: MSD has transitioned this product to a status of “made-to-order” with a minimum order size of 25 plates. For an order of the 5-plate pack size, the minimum quantity is 5 packs (25 plates). The 1-plate and 20-plate pack sizes have been discontinued.

  • Specifications
  • Kit Contents
  • Documentation
  • References
Application(s) Alzheimer’s Disease , Neurobiology/Neurodegeneration
Analyte(s) APP
Species Human
Instrument(s) MESO SECTOR S 600MM , MESO QuickPlex SQ 120MM , MESO SECTOR S 600 , MESO QuickPlex SQ 120 , SECTOR Imager 6000 , SECTOR Imager 2400
Plate Type 96-well
Capture Antibody sAPPα: Mouse Monoclonal
sAPPβ: Rabbit Polyclonal
Detection Antibody sAPPα: Mouse Monoclonal
sAPPβ: Mouse Monoclonal
LLOD (Sensitivity) sAPPα: 0.12 ng/mL
sAPPβ: 0.052 ng/mL
Dynamic Range sAPPα: 0.12-1000 ng/mL
sAPPβ: 0.052-1000 ng/mL
Usage Statement For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Storage Statement(s) Please refer to the product insert for the storage conditions of individual kit components.
Storage Condition Multi-Component
Schedule B Code 3822.19.0000
Order Details


S 600

instrument icon

SQ 120

instrument icon
Meso Scale Japan 株式会社